Jarrett is a real person, and his story is real. I've never met him, but I know a family
member of his in the real world—that place all of us used to go out for coffee
in before the confinement of the Covid Times.
Back in 2002 Jarrett had already overcome a really significant life challenge and was on a positive trajectory forward in life. Then, in 2017, he had a horrendous work accident in Toronto falling three storeys off a building.
His feet were smashed, literally, into pieces. He spent months in hospital recovering then getting physiotherapy and physical rehabilitation. Doctors told him he would not walk. But Jarrett didn’t listen to them and today he can and does walk—with the support of a pair of double-arm crutches.
In his early forties, Jarrett’s been told that in the future some time, he will probably be in a wheelchair fulltime. Pretty daunting.
Unable to work now, and in significant pain most of the time, Jarrett’s getting by with a disabled person’s pension. He has a small apartment where he lives with his cat and, right now, no partner, and no family within about three thousand miles.
By transit, and on his own with no grips or assistant directors, Jarrett ventures to the tony parts of Toronto like Yorkville for supercar-spotting, filming, describing, and often famously erupting in joyous admiration at what he’s showing us.
I’m guessing that, like my son who had an extensive collection, Jarrett’s always loved cars, because he does giveaways on the show from his Hot Wheels® collection.
As you can surmise, after his accident Jarrett also had to cope with PTSD and depression. But instead of sinking into the quicksand of those pernicious states, amazingly he instead learned how to film, use a video camera, lenses – how to store and edit the mega-hours of film he captured; how to put together his intros/extros; learned how to do the voice/over and captions in post-production, how to find, select, and lay down sound tracks, plus the numerous skills of presentation and YouTube channel posting and promotion.
All self-taught.
And let’s just say he hasn’t had top-class equipment at his service in this endeavour either (see “Like, Share & Subscribe” later).
I’ve always liked cars too, though the more everyday kinds. I subscribed to Supercar Specifics so I can find it easily, and most weeks I go there on Saturdays and see what he’s done for the week.
Every week he inspires me with his positivity and his spirit – really making lemonade out of lemons. And his generosity in frequently promoting other peoples’ channels.
Good luck
Just recently, Jarrett had good fortune when a supercar owner took him to a meet; that was good. But then they came back late and Jarrett was dropped off downtown to make his way home.
Worse luck (does this guy ever get a break?) Then he got internet scammed out of the money he had for his rent, food, transit, and expenses—everything he had. Fortunately, after a couple of weeks, an angel came forward and gave him a few hundred bucks so he could pay his rent.
And on he forges…….
Jarrett has some definite goals, which he explains here at 2:15:
along with why he keeps asking people to Like, Share & Subscribe. It's a couple of clicks, a couple of seconds for us--but can make a real difference for him.
"Most people think when you’re a YouTuber, you’re just automatically monetized and making millions of dollars." Jarrett explains. "Well, that’s not exactly true. I’m trying to get to the point where I can monetize this channel and make it a career. I’m not looking to make a gazillion billion dollars, that’s not my goal. My goal is to make it a career so I can bring you guys the best content possible.”
What you can do A modest amount of channel revenue could help Jarrett get things like better lenses, decent microphones and, when Covid Times are over, he would be able to film car collections and travel to places and film rallies.
All he needs is for you to go here and “Like, Share, and Subscribe” to his Supercar Specifics YouTube channel. It’s that simple. Ideally you'd also forward the link to this post to a few friends or share it on social media.
Jarrett, may your expansive spirit, your perseverance, and hard work get you to the best supercar meets and even to the Grand Prix in Monaco.
--Margo Lamont
--Mon/Wed/Fri – “Supercar Snacks” – short 3-5 min. shows with commentary. --Saturdays – the full enchilada. Note: this will change as the season unfolds and the weather improves. Check the channel for updates.
Link to SUPERCAR SPECIFICS on YouTube here.